Today began just like yesterday. Pee. Walk. Treats. Eight hours in the "mental metal death" cage. There was talk of going to play with this guy named Buddy down at the beach. But when "the supreme dog sitter Dana" came home it was raining. No beach. No Buddy. Boooo.

But "tsds" Dana did take me for a nice long walk in the rain. And rather than take one large dump, I decided to spread it around to make things interesting. A little here, a little there. Three piles of poo to be exact. I got a big chuckle watching "tsds" Dana as she tried to pick up the poo while holding the leash AND the umbrella at the same time. Three times. Quite a site.
After poop-a-palooza we headed back to the house for an evening of bone chewing and Big Brother 11. It was aiight.
In peaceful protest I decided to pass on dinner. I'm not digging the canine crunchies and will try to talk "tsds" Dana into getting me some new tasty treats. Let's see who breaks first.
I like looking through the curtains.
I wonder how my mom and Caron are doing in the jungle? I got this postcard...
and quite frankly, I don't know what to make of it.

Hopefully the rain will hold off tonight; and I'll get to take a long walk once "tsds" gets home from her exhilarating day of live-logging and Rolexing. Whatever that means.
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